ACCIÓ Open Innovation Arena
Agenda: 9th, 10th & 11th April
Day 1: April 9th, 2024
10:00-13:30 i 15:00- 17:00
Open Innovation Challenges: 10 Catalan industrial corporations with technological challenges that can be solved with 4.0 technologies
Day 2: April 10th, 2024
10:00-12:00 Industry 4.0 Start-ups Pitch
- Siverus
- Bitmetrics
- Keybotic
- Filcom-group
- Azitek
- CarbonCompete
- Centiloc
- Energiency
- Kheoos
- Trinov
12:30-13:30 AI Studio Presentation
15:00- 17:00 Open Innovation Challenges:10 Catalan industrial corporations with technological challenges that can be solved with 4.0 technologies
Day 3: April 11th, 2024
10:00-12:45 Technology Experts Meetings (DIH4CAT & TECNIO)
13:00-13:30 3D Printing Studio Presentation
15:00-17:00 DCA-IA Members Meetings (B2B meetings organized by DCA)
3rd & 4th April 2024: Open Innovation Challenge on-line meetings
Discover the largest international congress on industry 4.0 👇🏼
Advanced Factories Expo & Industry 4.0 Congress
Advanced Factories is the world congress and tradeshow where to to be up to date on innovation and industry 4.0.
Find out the latest advances and cutting-edge technology that will transform factories into digital factories due to the use of advanced technology. Inspire yourself with the newest innovation and learn how to optimize your business.